April is Child Abuse Prevention Month, but every day is our call to action and an opportunity for us to recognize that we all play a role in children’s lives and well being.
Wouldn’t it be nice to be invited to a fundraiser that’s so user friendly that it doesn’t even exist? Sound too good to be true? Well, then, consider yourself uninvited!
We call it a Phantom Fundraiser. It’s our way of asking you to help support the Edmondson Telford Child Advocacy Center. So please don’t attend because it really won’t be happening. Instead, skip the hassle, and help make a child’s fears disappear into thin air.
Even better, skip the stamp!
Donate NOW at etcac.org
Download Our Donation Form
The Edmondson Telford Child Advocacy Center provides services to Hall and Dawson County residents under the age of 18 who are victims of sexual or physical abuse or neglect, as well as their non-offending caregivers. We offer a child-friendly environment for crisis intervention and medical advocacy as the victim moves through the examination and investigation process.
The Center has served over 25,000 children and families since 1997. Edmondson Telford has conducted over 15,000 forensic examinations of abused children and coordinated hundreds of child abuse investigations with law enforcement and social services agencies. All services are provided at no-charge through generous donations to our agency.